Note that contributions are cumulative over the course of the 2022 race season. Periodic donors will move up the partnership ladder as the value of contributions accumulates.
Donor (Minimum $20):
Any financial or material contribution whatsoever
Level 1: ≥$20, Level 2: ≥$75, Level 3: ≥$150, Level 4: ≥$200
Value of donations or financial contributions achieving atleast $250 moves to “Contributor”
Individual or company name placed on donor section of website
Discount on race equipment or service:
Relevant race equipment donation:
Contributor (Minimum $250):
Bronze ($500 or more):
Silver ($1000 or more):
Gold ($2000 or more):
Platinum Title Partner ($7000 or more):
Company logo and website link on title section of website
Company logo motorcycle paint motif
Company logo helmet paint motif
Company logo large vinyl wrap on trailer